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Parent/Teacher Organization

The Victor Falls Parent teacher Organization (PTO) includes all parents and teachers of Victor Falls Elementary. There is no membership fee. Everyone is invited to participate, vote, and be informed. The PTO publishes a monthly newsletter keeping all families up to date on what is happening at the school. Fliers advertising PTO sponsored activities are also sent home throughout the school year.

Your PTO is responsible for many services and projects for the school and students, such as providing partial funding for field trips, assemblies, and other enrichment activities. Past major projects have included playground equipment purchases, library materials, the school’s reader board, audio-visual equipment and a computer lab. Members will be surveyed for ideas about allocation of funds raised this school year. The anticipated expenditures (other than funds mandated by PTO bylaws or needed for administrative expenses) will be placed in the “Approved Projects” category until a final decision has been made.

Email us at and find us on Facebook at VFE PTO.      

Board Members

 Position  Name
 President Paula Hemminger
 Vice President Jessica Scheiderer
 Secretary Sheri Woolman
 Treasurer Monica Nation