VFE Newsletters
2024-25 Newsletters
- Principal's message
- National School Counseling Week: Feb. 3-7
- Happy Lunar New Year
- Black History Month
- Family Math Night: Feb. 13
- No school Feb. 14, Feb. 17
- District STEM Fair & Art Show: Feb. 22
- PTO Events & Information
- Music
- VFE Office Reminders
- Health Room Updates
- Dental Day: 3/28
- School District Information
- Child Nutrition
- Families & Student Support
- Right at School Updates
- Key dates
- Principal's message
- Winter Falcon Foundations Rotation
- PurposeFull Family: Perseverance is our Trait of the Month
- Martin Luther King Day Assembly: 1/17
- Upcoming events
- STEM and Robotics Club
- Family Math Night: 2/13
- STEM Fair: 2/22
- PTO Events & Information
- Upcoming PTO meeting: 1/22
- January staff appreciation meal: 1/24
- PTO presents Donuts with Grown Up: 2/4,6
- Music
- 3rd & 4th grade concerts: March 6
- All-district choir festival: Feb. 25
- VFE office reminders
- Health room updates
- District information
- READY! For Kindergarten sessions
- Inclement weather information
- Attendance
- Save the date: Community Cultural Events
- Child Nutrition
- Families and student support
- Right at school updates
- Key dates
- Principal's message
- Important December dates
- Make It & Take It Night: 12/6
- Report cards
- Social Emotional Learning
- Candy Cane Grams
- Family Conferences - Thank you!
- 11th Annual Mayor's Food Drive: 3 million kernels of corn!
- Attendance matters
- Music
- VFE Holiday Sing Along: 12/20
- Schmitz's Class Toy Drove
- Reminders from the office
- Health room updates
- PTO activities/volunteer information
- Child nutrition updates
- Safety tip line
- Key dates
- Principal's Message: See you at conferences!
- Important upcoming dates
- Lost & found items will be donated
- Attendance matters
- We are thankful for you!
- PTO Activities/Volunteer Information
- PTO Fundraiser Night at Red Robin
- Make it Take it Family Night: 12/6
- WInter Concert: Dec. 11
- STEM Fair & Art Show Poster Contest Deadline: Nov. 29
- Counselor Corner
- Mrs. Schmitz annual toy drive
- Reminders from the office
- Health room updates
- Child Nutrition
- Safety Tip Line
- Key dates
- Principal's message
- Prop. 1 bond information
- Remember to vote!
- Important November dates
- Family conferences
- Food drive: VFE is collecting corn!
- Picture Retake Day 11/18
- No school Nov. 11 for Veterans Day
- Veterans Day Assembly
- PurposeFull Family: Gratitude
- Attendance matters
- Reminders from the office
- Health room updates
- Music
- Lost & found items will be donated 11/27
- PTO activities/volunteer information
- STEM Fair & Art Poster Contest
- Counselor Corner
- Child Nutrition
- Safety Tip Line
- Key dates
Archived Newsletters
2023-24 Newsletters
- Principal's Message
- VFE Summer Hours
- Falcon Fablers Summer Writing Club
- Happy 4th of July: No Fireworks on Victor Falls Campus
- Free Summer Events Calendar
- Free Summer Lunch Program
- Summer Reading Program
- Panther Robotics Workshop Series
- Register for Kindergarten
- Save the Date: Back to School Night: 8/28
- School District Information
- Families and Student Support Key Dates
- Principal's message
- Upcoming events
- Music & Art Night: May 31
- VFE Spirit Week and Food Drive: June 3-7
- 5th grade events
- Field Day: June 14
- Spring Literary Journal
- Monday, June 17: No Late Start, Early Release
- Kindergarten Moving Up Ceremony: June 18
- Last Day of School: June 18
- Register for kindergarten
- Music updates
- PTO Events & Information
- Lost & Found
- Health Room Updates
- School District Information: Attendance, Child Nutrition
- Family and Student Support Resources
- Key Dates
- Principal's message
- Character Trait for the Month of May: Creativity
- Upcoming SBA Testing
- Missoula Children's Theater: May 6-11
- Kindergarten Screening: May 9, 16
- Spring Literary Journal
- No School May 27, 28
- Incoming 6th Graders Middle School Night
- VFE Plastic Film Recycle Event: May 10
- Music & Art Night: 5/31
- Kindergarten registration
- Music updates
- Field Day: 6/14
- City of Bonney Lake Fun Run
- PTO Events & Information
- Health Room Updates
- School District Information: Attendance, Child Nutrition
- Families and Student Support
- Mental health matters
- Key dates
- Congratulations Ms. Karnafel for awarded the Warren G. Magnuson Scholarship from the WEA
- Community Cultural Event: April 20
- SBA Testing Coming Up
- Music Updates and Concert Dates
- Road Construction near Victor Falls
- PTO Events & Information
- Register for kindergarten
- Health room updates
- Attendance
- Child Nutrition
- Families and student support information
- Mental health resources
- Key dates
- Principal's message
- VFE spirit week: 4/1-4/5
- Class Picture Day 4/3
- Spring Break: 4/8-4/12
- Road Construction Near VFE
- Register for Kindergarten
- Music updates
- PTO events and information
- Lost & found items
- Health room updates
- School district information: Attendance, Child Nutrition
- Families and Student Support
- Key dates
- July 2023
- June 2023
- May 2023
- April 2023
- March 2023
- February 2023
- January 2023
- December 2022
- November 2022
- October 2022
- September 2022
- August 2022
July 2023
VFE Falcon Family Newsletter: July 2023
Posted by SBLSD on 6/28/2023
- Principal's Message
- VFE Celebration of Reading & Book Exchange
- VFE Student Council
- Field Day
- No fireworks on VFE campus
- Free lunch this summer at Daffodil Valley Elementary
- Registration open
- School supplies for the 23-24 school year
- Save the Date: Back to School Night, Aug. 30
- Attendance Matters, Key Dates
- New ParentSquare coming in August
- Right at School Childcare
- Robotics Workshop at Bonney Lake High School
- Summer Reading Program
- Family Assistance
- Back to School Resource Fairs
- Free Dental Days
June 2023
VFE Falcon Family Newsletter: June 2023
Posted by SBLSD on 5/31/2023
- Principal's Message
- PurposeFull Family
- Food Drive & Spirit Week
- Registration open for kindergarten
- READY! For Kindergarten
- Mr. Payne surprised with Elevate Award
- Calendar reminders
- Save the Dates!
- Successful PTO Art Night
- Mr. Jerdee update
- Volunteers needed: VFE BBQ Night, June 9
- Staff appreciation for June
- General PTO meeting
- New playground update
- New ParentSquare coming in August
- Lost & Found
- Right at School childcare
- Attendance
- Health room reminders
- Family assistance
- June meal menu
- Key dates
May 2023
VFE Falcon Family Newsletter: May 2023
Posted by SBLSD on 5/2/2023
- Principal's Message
- VFE PTO Art Night: May 19
- 1st and 2nd Grade Concerts
- State Testing Schedule: May 9-11, 16, 18
- Kindergarten registration open
- Kindergarten screening: May 11 & 18
- New Hawk and New Wolf Nights
- Calendar reminders: new last day of school
- PurposeFullFamily
- New ParentSquare coming in August!
- Right at School registration
- When to keep your student at home
- Upcoming PTO events
- Family assistance
- May lunch menu
- Key dates
April 2023
VFE Falcon Family Newsletter: April 2023
Posted by SBLSD on 4/3/2023
- Principal's Message
- 'Girl on Fire' at Friday Morning Meeting
- Spring Break: April 3-7
- Kindergarten registration now open
- Kindergarten screening: May 11, 18
- Calendar reminders: new last day of school
- PurposeFull Family
- VFE Modern Band
- Right at School
- Be healthy, be at school
- When to keep your student at home
- 1st, 2nd Grade Concerts: 4/27
- Upcoming Student Store Hours
- Be a good neighbor at the front gate, back gate
- Upcoming PTO events
- Drama at VFE
- Family Assistance
- Overflowing lost & found
- April lunch menu
- Key Dates
March 2023
VFE Falcon Family Newsletter: March 2023
Posted by SBLSD on 3/6/2023
- Principal's Message
- Spring Conferences
- Kindergarten Registration opens 2/7
- READY For Kindergarten Sessions
- STEM Fair & Art Show 2/25 Update
- Upcoming 3rd, 4th grade concerts
- Class Picture Day: 3/20
- March Whole School Activities
- PurposeFull Family
- VFE Modern Band
- Right at School
- Congratulations, Mr. Jerdee!
- Welcome to the Blue Crew, Mrs. Maulding!
- Be Healthy, Be At School
- Be a good neighbor at the front and back gates
- Upcoming PTO events
- Book Fair 3/27-3/31
- VFE Student Store dates
- VFE Spirit Week
- Contact information
- Watch DOGS update
- Family assistance
- Lunch menu for March
- Key dates
February 2023
VFE Falcon Family Newsletter: February 2023
Posted by SBLSD on 2/7/2023
- Principal's Message
- Kindergarten Registration opens 2/7
- Ready for Kindergarten!
- February is Black History Month
- Black History Month Project
- STEM & Art Show: 2/25
- No School 2/20 for President's Day
- Attendance Reminder
- Upcoming PTO Events
- Save the Date! 3rd and 4th Grade Concerts
- Be a Good Neighbor
- Watch D.O.G.S. Update
- Family Assistance
- February Lunch Menu
- Key Dates
January 2023
VFE Falcon Family Newsletter: January 2023
Posted by SBLSD on 1/24/2023
- Principal's Message
- Elementary Curriculum Night 1/26
- Martin Luther King Jr. Assembly
- February is Black History Month
- STEM & Art Show 2/25
- Attendance Reminder
- PurposeFull Family
- Kindergarten Registration opens 2/7
- Waivers
- Upcoming PTO Events
- Be a Good Neighbor
- Family Assistance
- Key Dates
December 2022
VFE Falcon Family Newsletter: Winter Break 2022
Posted by SBLSD on 12/19/2022
- Principal's Message
- Winter Break Dec. 19-Jan. 2
- Holiday Family Fun Night Photos
- First Trimester Falcon Top 10 Celebration
- East Pierce Fire & Rescue Providing Coats for Kids
- VFE Students Serving and Caring for our Community
- Student Council Partners with WRCO
- Schmitz's Class ANnual Toy Drive
- 4th Grade Hygiene and Sock Drive
- PurposeFull Family
- Meet Stefanie Kilborn!
- Meet Courney Durbin!
- VFE Music Program Updates
- Keeping Us Healthy
- Falcon Basketball
- Elementary Curriculum Showcase 1/26
- Blue Crew Reindeer Games
- Upcoming PTO Events
- Family Assistance
- Key Dates
VFE Falcon Family Newsletter: December 2022
Posted by SBLSD on 12/2/2022
- Principal Message
- 5th Grade Concert Update
- Falcon Top 10 Assembly Rescheduled for 12/8
- PurposeFull SEL
- Winter Break 12/17-1/2
- Attendance Reminder
- Schmitz's Class Annual Toy Drive
- 4th Grade Hygiene and Sock Drive
- Holiday Sing-Along 12/16
- Lost and Found
- Upcoming PTO Events: Holiday Movie Night
- Staff Appreciation Donations
- PTO Fundraiser Panda Express 12/28
- PTO General Meeting 1/11
- Family Assistance
- READY! For Kindergarten Fall Sessions
- Key Dates
November 2022
VFE Falcon Family Newsletter: Conferences 2022
Posted by SBLSD on 11/4/2022
- Fall Family Conferences
- Welcoming Veterans to our Assembly
- Key Dates
VFE Falcon Family Newsletter: November 2022
Posted by SBLSD on 10/28/2022
- Principal's Message
- Walk-a-Thon a huge success!
- PurposeFull SEL
- Fall Family Conferences
- Veterans Day 11/11 No School
- Student Council's Holiday Food Drive
- Vision & Hearing Screening: Nov. 2
- Lost and Found
- The Community BIG GIVE 2022
- Book Fair
- Holiday Family Movie & Fun Night
- Popcorn Fridays from the PTO
- VFE School Spirit Store is open through 11/11
- Smart Watches
- Volunteer Restrictions Lifting 11/1
- Family Assistance
- Picture Retakes: 11/29
- READY For Kindergarten Fall Sessions
- Key Dates
October 2022
VFE Falcon Family Newsletter: Mid-October 2022
Posted by SBLSD on 10/14/2022
- COVID Vaccine Mandate Expires Oct. 31, 2022
- Walk-a-Thon
- The Great Shakeout Drill 10/20
- Bonney Lake High School Parade 10/21 @ 4 p.m.
- General PTO Meeting
- Staff Appreciation 10/28
- Community Big Give 2022
- Spirit Day: Oct. 31
- Family Assistance
- Vision & Hearing Screening 11/2
- Conferences Nov. 16-18
- Key dates
VFE Falcon Family Newsletter: October 2022
Posted by SBLSD on 10/1/2022
- Principal's Message
- Picture Day
- Walk A Thon
- Books and Beyond
- Watch D.O.G.S.
- Purposefull Family
- Monthly Highlight
- Attendance
- No School 10/14
- School Supply Fees
- Car Pick Up Dismissal Reminders
- Family Assistance
- Family Technology Agreements
- Job Fair
- Vision and Hearing Screening
- Recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month
- Return Register for Kinder Signs
September 2022
Falcon Family Update: 9/16/22
Posted by SBLSD on 9/16/2022
- Principal's message
- Car pick-up reminders
- School supplies
- Family technology agreements
- Changes to meal prices
- Picture day
- Staff appreciation
- Return register for kinder signage
- General PTO meeting
- No school 10/14
- Key dates
Falcon Family Update: 9/2/22
Posted by SBLSD on 9/2/2022
- Principal's message
- Arrival
- Dismissal
- School schedule
- School supplies
- Changes to school meal prices
- Family assistance
- Medication at school
- Key dates
August 2022
VFE Falcon Family Newsletter: August 2022
Posted by SBLSD on 8/26/2022
- Principal's message
- School supplies
- Campus clean up
- Back to School Night Sept. 1
- Who's my child's teacher
- Family assistance
- Changes to school meal prices
- School schedule
- Car and bus arrival
- Car pick up
- Medication at school
- Appointments and dismissal changes
- Register for kindergarten
- Join the SBLSD team!
- Key dates
- June 2022
- May 2022
- April 2022
- March 2022
- February 2022
- December 2021
- November 2021
- September 2021
- August 2021
June 2022
Falcon Family Update: Summer 2022
Posted by SBLSD on 6/28/2022
- Principal's message
- Field Day
- Free summer lunch at Daffodil Valley Elementary
- No fireworks allowed on campus
- Summer Kids Backpack Program
- Register for kindergarten
- Now hiring bus drivers
- Save the date: Back to School Night 9/1
- School supplies
- Join Pierce County Library's Summer Reading Adventure!
- Key dates
Falcon Family Update: June 2022
Posted by SBLSD on 6/9/2022
- Principal's message
- Volunteer opportunities
- 5th grade concert
- Field Day June 17
- Recognizing Juneteenth
- New VFE clothing closet
- Free lunch throughout the summer at Daffodil Valley Elementary
- Send your students with water bottles
- Yearbooks
- Lost and found items
- Summer Kids Backpack Program
- SHS and BLHS graduation Victory Tour
- VFE Student Council
- Family Assistance
- Register for Kindergarten
- Join the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District!
- Key dates
May 2022
Falcon Family Update: Mid-May 2022
Posted by SBLSD on 5/20/2022
- Principal's message
- Volunteers for 5th grade graduation and field day
- 5th grade concert
- How is our school doing?
- Watch D.O.G.S.
- READY for Kindergarten
- City of Bonney Lake Fun Run
- Reminder: No School Memorial Day, May 30
- Register for kindergarten
- Family assistance
- Join SBLSD!
- Key dates
Falcon Family Update: May 2022
Posted by SBLSD on 5/3/2022
- Principal's update
- Purposefull Family
- Kheng's Witness Historical Event
- Successful Student Council Food Drive
- Upcoming state assessments
- Middle school open house events
- Survive the Sound for STEM
- Pick up/drop off protocols
- Water bottle reminder
- Kindergarten dates
- No school May 30
- Little Caesar's fundraiser
- Surrounding neighborhood impacts
- Health room updates
- Watch DOGS updates
- Our district is hiring!
April 2022
March 2022
Falcon Family Update: March
Posted by SBLSD on 3/9/2022
- Principal Update
- Important Kindergarten Dates
- Register for Kindergarten
- Watch D.O.G.S. Orientation March 2
- Report Cards
- Spring Conferences
- Vision and Hearing Screening
- Class Picture Day March 21
- PTO Fundraiser March 22
- Health & Safety Guidelines
- Pick Up/Drop Off Protocols
- Family Assistance
February 2022
Falcon Family Update: February
Posted by SBLSD on 2/1/2022
- Principal Update
- Black History Month
- Kindergarten Registration
- Winter Benchmark Results
- Welcome to the Blue Crew
- Free COVID Tests
- Purposeful Family
- School Board Meeting
- National School Counselor Week
- Counselor Corner
- Mental Wellness
- Attendance Waiver Application
- Pickup/Dropoff Protocols
- Family Assistance
December 2021
Falcon Family Update: January
Posted by SBLSD on 12/21/2021
- Principal Update
- Hygeine Drive
- Schmitz Toy Drive
- Purposeful Family
- Social Media Safety
- Curriculum Showcase
- Staff Meeting Fun
- Waiver Applications
- Martin Luther King Jr Day
- Family Assistance
- Inclement Weather Info
- SBLSD Careers
Falcon Family Update: December 2021
Posted by SBLSD on 12/13/2021
- Principal Update
- Spirit Week
- Successful Conferences
- Mayor's Food Drive
- Ready for Kindergarten
- Hygiene Drive
- HiCap Referrals
- Purposeful Family
- Counselor's Corner
- School Schedule
- Family Assistance
- Optional PE Survey
November 2021
Early Dismissal Reminder: 11/16/21
Posted by SBLSD on 11/16/2021
Early Dismissal Due to Conferences
Due to our conferences, we will be having early dismissal Wednesday 11/17- Friday 11/19. Dismissal will be at 11:40am. Buses will arrive at their stops about 3.5 hours earlier than normal.
Key Dates
Please check our website for updates.
For other key dates, check your mailbox soon for the 2021-22 school year calendar. -
Veterans Day Reminder: 11/5/21
Posted by SBLSD on 11/5/2021
Veterans Day
We want to be ready to honor the service and sacrifice of veterans in our community and family--we need your help. As of Friday afternoon, seven families have shared the story of their special veterans. We would love to recognize more local veterans.
Please submit the name, info, picture, and brief video introduction of your veteran in this Google Form. We will take all the pictures, video introductions, and names we get and put them into a slideshow that will be shown as part of our Veterans Day celebration at Victor Falls. Please submit this form by Monday, November 8th and we will honor veterans on November 10th with a presentation including all of the honorees.
Thank you for your help and support as we honor those who served our great country.
No School on November 11th for Veteran's Day.
September 2021
Falcon Family Update: 9/24/21
Posted by SBLSD on 9/24/2021
Thank you to all of the families using car pick up that are following our new staggered timeline. Your effort means that each day we can count on busses arriving on time at VFE and throughout our area in the District. It also means that we are consistently able to load all of the cars just before 3:30 PM. We are continuing to refine our dismissal system with the goal of getting all kids on their way by 3:25 PM each day.
Please take a moment below to learn more about how the Blue Crew is working to keep all of the Falcons safe as well as an adjustment to our dismissal for walkers using the back gate.
We appreciate your continued encouragement and support!
Adam Uhler, Principal
Health & Safety Updates
The last three weeks with your students have been rewarding and exciting--we are so excited to have them back in the building. The Blue Crew has worked hard to ensure that we are keeping students as safe as possible while they are at school, and with your help, we have been highly successful. To date, we have had zero close contacts within the school and zero known transmissions of COVID. While it looks different in every setting, teachers are being highly creative in how they make sure students are being safe! We continue to follow all the DOH guidance, with students sitting 3’ apart when masked and eating 6’ apart to prevent the transmission of illness and the children are doing very well with all the new routines. The pictures below show how this looks in various settings.
STEM with Mr. Martin
SEL with Mr. Rae-Smith
Kinders at Lunch
When to keep your child home?
We also want to remind you of the crucial role you play in that. This includes keeping your child home when necessary.
Reasons to keep your child home include:
An exposure to a COVID-positive person in the last 14 days
Fever (100.7 or greater)
Loss of taste or smell
Shortness of breath
Muscle or body aches
Sore throat
Congestion or Runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
If your student shows any of these symptoms, please let the office know, we will work with you to determine when it is safe for your student to return, based on the department of health guidelines.
Thank you for your continued diligence during these unprecedented times, together we can keep our community safe!Back Gate Walkers
We now have 40+ walkers using the back gate. This is helping with traffic and is a healthy way to get home. To make their release more efficient each walker was given a card that corresponds with their car tag on Friday. The back gate supervisor will just need to verify the student's backpack tag matches the walker pick-up card.
Key Dates
Please check our website for updates.
For other key dates, check your mailbox soon for the 2021-22 school year calendar. -
Car Pick Up Adjustments: 9/17/21
Posted by SBLSD on 9/17/2021
You and your children have done a great job building routines that support a positive experience at school! We do need some help improving. Like many of you, I am concerned about the traffic and unsafe driving conditions on Rhoades Lake Road near our dismissal time. In addition to the safety concerns, our traffic is blocking busses trying to get to other schools from two school districts. The Blue Crew is working hard to make effective adjustments that will help load cars more efficiently while ensuring the safety of each and every child.
On Thursday, thanks to a lot of patience and creativity, we had our quickest dismissal yet with all busses and cars departing campus by 3:30 PM. This is a 15-minute improvement in the last week. We need to get even better. We need dismissal to be done by 3:25 PM and we need to keep the traffic on the roads near campus moving. We need your help making this happen.
Starting on Monday, September 20, we are implementing a staggered release based on car numbers. The staggered release should allow fewer cars to arrive on campus at the same time and keep traffic flowing. When the right cars are here at the right time, we can load 16 cars every minute. We are requesting that families maintain the following schedule.
Car tags 0-75 arrive on campus between 2:50-3:10
Car tags 76-150 get in line at 3:15
Car tags 151+ and any one-off requests get in line at 3:20 PM
As part of the change, all students with a car tag will get a corresponding tag for their backpack. K-2 received their tags Thursday. Grades 3-5 will receive their tags on Friday. The tags come with a color-coded zip tie. Tags 1-75 have a pink tie, tags 76-150 have an orange tie, and 151+ have a yellow tie.
All of the adjustments we have made have come from the creative thinking of staff members. Please continue to think creatively. I appreciate your perseverance and patience!
Adam Uhler, Principal
Monday Late Start Reminder
Please remember that Monday is now our late-start day. School begins at 10 AM on Monday. Students may arrive on campus at 9:45 AM.
Appointments & Dismissal Changes
If your student is taking a different route of transportation after school than their normal dismissal, you must call the front office to let them know. 253.891.4700. We ask that you call before 2:30pm as this helps get all our changes to the teachers in a timely manner.
If you plan to take your student out for an appointment or out early before dismissal time at 3:10pm, please call us a few minutes before you arrive so we can come greet you! We do ask that you have your ID ready to go when you pick up your student. Our office staff will gladly call your student down and walk them out to you.If your student will be late for any reason to school, please call our office and we will walk out to greet them!
School Supplies
As of Friday, 80% of families have already paid the $20 school supply donation. If you have not paid for supplies yet, please pay online or you can pay at the school office. The school supply fee will cover basic school supplies needed for the school year. Our PTO made a quick tip video showing you how to pay online.
If you are able to contribute more than $20 to support a child in need please feel free to increase your fee amount.
If your student needs assistance with the school supply fee or the items listed, please
contact the front office and we will connect you with Mrs. Arbaugh, our school counselor.
Items From Home
Your student should come to school with:
Headphones or earbuds
Water Bottle filled with water
Making Kindness Normal
The Blue Crew is Hiring!
Key DatesPlease check our website for updates.
For other key dates, check your mailbox soon for the 2021-22 school year calendar. -
Fabulous First Week: 9/13/21
Posted by SBLSD on 9/13/2021
Dear Falcon Family,
Relaunching our community is a huge gift and a challenge at the same time. Doing anything for the first time in 500 plus days can be difficult. Thank you for your amazing grace and support this week! The first week was full of building community and strengthening our character muscles. This month’s character trait is kindness. If you get a chance, send your favorite Blue Crew member some love and encouragement.
Wade Jerdee, Assistant Principal
Adam Uhler, PrincipalMonday Late Start Reminder
Please remember that Monday is now our late-start day. School begins at 10 AM on Monday. Students may arrive on campus at 9:45 AM. We encourage you to enjoy a little bit of a slow start to the week and grab breakfast with your kids. While students may enjoy a few more minutes of sleep, the Blue Crew will be hard at work collaborating with their teammates in professional learning communities (PLCs). During this time teachers are focused on answering four critical questions that help us ensure the learning of each and every child: What do we want all students to know and be able to do? How will we know if they learn it? How will we respond when some students do not learn? How will we extend the learning for students who are already proficient? This intentional work helps us fulfill our promise to know, value, and support each and every student. Thank you for supporting this effort!
Dismissal Changes/Appointments
If your student is taking a different route of transportation after school than their normal dismissal, you must call the front office to let them know. 253.891.4700. We ask that you call before 2:30pm as this helps get all our changes to the teachers in a timely manner.
If you plan to take your student out for an appointment or out early before dismissal time at 3:10pm, please call us a few minutes before you arrive so we can come greet you! We do ask that you have your ID ready to go when you pick up your student. Our office staff will gladly call your student down and walk them out to you.
If your student will be late for any reason to school, please call our office and we will walk out to greet them!
Help with Dismissal
The struggle is real when it comes to getting kids home in a timely manner. We need your help. While we cannot change that we only have one egress, with your help, we do have influence over some things.
We have made improvements to the systems on-campus. Starting at dismissal, 3:10 PM, we are loading 10 cars every minute, but with 200+ cars, it is still taking 20 minutes to release all of the car riders. To expedite the loading of buses, we are now taking the bus roll while students wait for the busses to arrive. This is allowing us to load the bus quickly and they are departing campus about 10 minutes after arrival. The part that we need help with is getting the busses on campus. The 200 cars in the car pick-up line are blocking the busses from getting on 188th Ave Ct E and entering campus on time.
The quickest way to improve traffic flow and get kids home on time is to reduce the number of cars picking up students after school.
- Please do not arrive on campus before 2:50 PM. Arriving earlier than 2:50 PM blocks the buses from entering campus and creates a safety hazard.
- Carpool: One way the community can help with this is for friends and neighbors to carpool.
- Walk: Another way the community can help is for car riders that live within walking distance to use one of the safe walking paths to school. Families that live in the Fennel Ridge/Bonney Lake Manor area can use the Fennel Creek Trail and pick up their students at the back gate. Families that live off Angeline could walk up the Fennel Creek Trail and pick up their students at the back gate. Families that live on 188th Ave Ct E are encouraged to walk with their children to and from school. Families that walk on 188th will meet their child near the front gate. Due to safety concerns, we do not recommend walkers cross Rhoades Lake Road.
- Ride the Bus: The last way families can help may seem counterintuitive but it will help. If more families have their children ride the bus instead of being car riders, we will reduce the number of cars on campus.
Having more families carpool, walk, or have their children ride the bus will reduce the number of cars entering campus, which should allow the buses to enter campus sooner, load sooner, and leave sooner. We appreciate your patience and support. If you have other creative ideas, please reach out to Mr. Uhler.
School Supplies
We appreciate that many families have already paid the $20 school supply donation. If you have not paid for supplies yet, please pay online or you can pay at the school office. The school supply fee will cover basic school supplies needed for the school year. Our PTO made a quick tip video showing you how to pay online.
If you are able to contribute more than $20 to support a child in need please feel free to increase your fee amount.
If your student needs assistance with the school supply fee or the items listed, please
contact the front office and we will connect you with Mrs. Arbaugh, our school counselor.
Items From Home
Your student should come to school with:
Headphones or earbuds
Water Bottle filled with water
PurposeFull Family Activities
In September, students will learn about the wonderful and sometimes oversimplified character trait of Kindness. Kindness isn’t just a feeling, but a choice that we get to make every day! It’s an exercise in bringing good things into our lives and the world. Kindness is given through our actions and our encouragement and our attitude and our gifts. We will spend time thinking about how to be kind to ourselves, to our environment, to our school, and to one another. We will get to experience sharing and receiving compliments and helping create acts of service or gifts for others. It’s a generous, positive, and encouraging time! If you would like further information and activities involving kindness, please check out the following links: Kindness Family Newsletter K-2, Kindness Family Newsletter K-2 En Espanol, Kindness Family Newsletter 3-5, Kindness Family Newsletter 3-5 En Espanol.
The Blue Crew is Hiring!
VFE is hiring a night custodian. The night custodian is essential to setting our students and staff up for success each day. Please see the SBLSD website for more details.
Key Dates
Please check our website for updates.
For other key dates, check your mailbox soon for the 2021-22 school year calendar. -
Back To School Night Reminder: 9/1/21
Posted by SBLSD on 9/1/2021
Good evening, Falcon Family!
This is just a quick reminder that tomorrow, September 2nd, is our back-to-school night!
We are so excited to see you! There will be multiple stations including paying school supplies, transportation information, medicine check-in, PTO, and meet our counselor and specialists outside in front of the school. BTS is a great time to meet your teacher and get your first day of school picture with your child's teacher. We encourage kids to come dressed for success. All students, family members, and staff must wear a mask while inside the building.
Please see below for the times according to your student's last name. If you have students with multiple last names, please choose a time to come.
4:30-5pm - Last names A-G
5:15pm-5:45pm - Last Names H-M
6pm-6:30-pm - Last Names N-Z
We look forward to seeing you!
Adam Uhler, Principal
August 2021
Welcome Back Falcon Family: 8/28/21
Posted by SBLSD on 8/28/2021
Principal Update
Dear Falcon Family,
Welcome Back, Falcon Family! We miss you and we are so excited to see you! We hope everyone had a chance to disconnect and reconnect this summer--and that this newsletter finds you refreshed and enjoying this summer with your family.
While Mr. Jerdee didn’t have a “typical” summer, he was able to turn off his school brain and really focus on the home front. He was able to completely rewire a house (for the record, HGTV does not accurately represent what it is like). He also enjoyed time in the woods on a new bike, visits with family, connecting with neighbors, and s'mores with his wife and youngest around the fire pit.
While Mr. Jerdee decided to go full-HGTV-do-it-yourself-er, for Mr. Uhler, July brought the annual Uhler family visit to the Methow Valley full of hiking, biking, rafting, and reading. The Uhler’s also launched their oldest daughter into college life at WSU--mom and dad had a much tougher time with the transition than Lizzie. He also enjoyed reconnecting with family in Spokane, spending quality time in the wilderness climbing Mt. Adams with his daughter, Jo, weekly visits to The Market with his wife, and exploring new local haunts like Simple Goodness Soda Shop.
This time away from Victor Falls was a powerful reminder of our common purpose and our calling. As Esau McCaulley recently wrote, “The pandemic has reminded us that life is more than what we do. It is about whom we spend our lives with. We cannot hug a career or laugh with a promotion. We are made for friendship, love and community.” This reminder is fitting for life both within the VFE community and within our personal lives. The Blue crew continues to strive to be a team that loves, serves, and cares for each of our students, staff and community members each day.
We continue to be a place that promises each day to keep each child safe, help them feel special and ensure they learn. As we’ve shared with you before, planning for the future seems to be an act of defiant optimism--we have a lot to be optimistic about. We have a tremendously talented team. We have an amazingly supportive community. And, we are firmly connected by the promise that we will know, value, and support every student helping them pursue a promising future. We have no doubt that the 21-22 school year will be great!
We look forward to seeing you and our students soon. Victor Falls is an amazing place to learn and grow because of your active support. Your partnership is invaluable as we create a school community where all students feel safe, special, and most importantly, empowered to learn. I encourage each of you to be an active part of your child’s education. Our doors are always open for you to volunteer.
It is going to be a great year to be a Victor Falls Falcon!
Wade Jerdee, Assistant Principal
Adam Uhler, Principal
Class Placement
Class rosters are finalized and you should have received an email in your Skyward account. You can find the name of your child’s teacher by Logging into Family Access and clicking on “Schedule”. Your child’s teacher will be in contact with you soon, too.
Back To School Night
We are excited to re-open our doors to our community. We hope to see all of our students and families at Back-to-School Night on THURSDAY, September 2. BTS is a great time to meet your teacher, see your classroom, grab a car tag, sign up to volunteer, join the PTO, and pay your $20 supply donation. In order to keep us all as safe and healthy as possible, all visitors will need to wear a mask indoors. All family members will be welcome outside during their timeslot. We ask that you visit campus during your assigned time based on your child’s last name. In order to maintain social distance, we are also asking that only one adult per family enter the building at a time. Your first stop will be your child’s classroom to meet their teacher. After visiting the classroom, please stop by the stations on the patio to grab a car tag, sign up to volunteer, join our outstanding PTO, and pay your $20 supply donation.
School SuppliesIn order to provide some relief from back-to-school shopping, we are asking families to contribute a $20 donation per child to cover the cost of school supplies. Families may pay online or you can pay at our Back-To-School Night via cash or check on the patio. The school supply fee will cover basic school supplies needed for the school year. Your student should come to school with:
Headphones or earbuds
Water Bottle
If you are able to contribute more than $20 to support a child in need please feel free to increase your fee amount.
If your student needs assistance with the school supply fee or the items listed, please
contact the front office and we will connect you with Mrs. Arbaugh, our school counselor.\
PurposeFull Family Activities
In September, students will learn about the wonderful and sometimes oversimplified character trait of Kindness. Kindness isn’t just a feeling, but a choice that we get to make every day! It’s an exercise in bringing good things into our lives and the world. Kindness is given through our actions and our encouragement and our attitude and our gifts. We will spend time thinking about how to be kind to ourselves, to our environment, to our school, and to one another. We will get to experience sharing and receiving compliments and helping create acts of service or gifts for others. It’s a generous, positive, and encouraging time! If you would like further information and activities involving kindness, please check out the following links: Kindness Family Newsletter K-2, Kindness Family Newsletter K-2 En Espanol, Kindness Family Newsletter 3-5, Kindness Family Newsletter 3-5 En Espanol.
Healthy & Happy Transitions
As we peek into September, it is time to get ready for another amazing school year. Please help your child transition back to school smoothly by reestablishing morning and evening routines. Also, spend time reading with your child and find ways to practice math—this can be done through fun, everyday experiences. Refreshing these routines now will make for a smoother transition in September.
While some kids are excited and ready to start the new year, others might be feeling uneasy or worried about what the next school year might bring. All of our students will have new teachers and classmates. Each child may process these changes in different ways. They might check out early, act up or act out, become defiant, or even become sad. Remember that behavior is communication. Your child might need some time with you to reflect and process the changes that are forthcoming. Connecting with your child can open up the door for communication about their feelings. Here are some ideas to connect with your child.
Schedule a regular hang-out time (play a game, read a book, go to the park, something you both enjoy).
Offer a hug, high five, fist bump, something that requires touch!
Play in their world - get down to their level, use their toys with them, get silly, use your imagination!
Ask about their day and just listen.
Recognize their feelings and be with them while they are sad/angry/scared/excited.
Information in this section is from Imperfect Families Check it out for more tips!
Healthy & Safe Return to School
Healthy & Safe Return to School: The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) released guidance for the 2021-2022 school year. Under the updated guidance, schools must plan to provide full-time, in-person education for all interested students for the 2021-2022 school year with the following mitigation efforts:
All students, school personnel, volunteers, and visitors must wear at least a cloth face covering or an acceptable alternative when indoors.
Schools must have basic ventilation, cleaning and infection control plans updated to reflect what is currently known about COVID-19.
In preparation for the potential of COVID-19 infections while at school, schools will have response plans in place that include communication with staff, families, their school district, and local health jurisdiction.
Physical distancing of at least three feet or more between students in classroom settings and at least six feet or more in most situations outside of the classroom to the degree possible is recommended.
COVID-19 testing programs and vaccinations are not required.
Medication at School
If your child has a health condition that requires treatment or medication at school, written permission from the parent/guardian and a healthcare provider must be provided before medications can be administered at school. Renewal of written permission must be completed at the beginning of each school year and whenever the health care provider adjusts a medication. You may visit the school nurse at BTS or click here to learn more.
School Meals
School meals will continue to be provided to all students at no cost throughout the 2021-22 school year. While applications have not been required for children to receive free meals during the pandemic, we still strongly encourage eligible families to complete the Free and Reduced-price Meal Application as they may also qualify to have fees waived or reduced for ASB cards, sports participation and other extracurricular activities. For more information, contact Child Nutrition Services: (253) 891-6450, child_nutrition@sumnersd.org.
School Schedule
Late Start Mondays: Thank you for supporting teacher teams as they collaboratively focus on ensuring the learning of each student. School starts at 10AM. Please drop your students off no earlier than 9:45AM on Mondays. Bus routes run 90 minutes later on Mondays.
Tuesday through Friday Schedule: The office opens at 7:30AM. School opens to students at 8:10AM. Class begins at 8:25AM. Please drop your students off no earlier than 8:10AM.Transportation
Keeping students safe is our highest priority. Riding the bus will be your student’s quickest way on and off the VFE campus. We expect over 200 students will arrive by car each day-- a tremendous amount in a small area. We encourage you to carpool with other families as much as possible.
Car Riders
If you drive your child to school, we need your help making the car morning drop-off/afternoon pick-up as safe as possible. Please help us ensure the safety of your students by using the designated loop. And, please stay in your car until greeted by staff.
If you are planning to pick your child up on a regular basis, please pick up a tag to hang from your rearview mirror with a student number for dismissal. This number quickly allows our staff to tell which child is being picked up and helps maintain safety. Numbers will be given out at the Back-To-School Night and during the first week of school at the front office.
In the morning, 15 minutes prior to and until the start of the school day, there will be staff members meeting and directing students. For your child’s safety, please do not drop students off until staff supervision has arrived. Students must be dropped off at the curb in front of the school.
If you arrive after the start of school, please park and walk your child to the office to check-in.
Pickup will be at the same front of the building location. Please drive through the pickup route (remain in a single file line) and your child will be escorted to your car after dismissal. Make sure you have your car tag displayed.
Bus Riders
Due to a severe bus driver shortage, it’s highly likely that some bus routes will be affected to some degree on a daily basis. Any given route on any given day could experience a different bus number, earlier or later pick-up/drop-off times, and unfortunately the potential of no bus transportation at all.
Please note these important items that could affect your child:
Different buses: It’s possible your child will ride two different buses — one bus in the morning and a different one in the afternoon. This means a different bus number and a different bus driver.
Bus times: Pick-up and drop-off times could vary and may not always align exactly with school start and dismissal times. Because of the need to double-up on bus runs, your child could be picked up earlier or later than when school begins. Another possibility is that your child might need to wait (supervised) at school for a bus to pick them up. As soon as we know if your child’s route is affected, we will send a robocall to families with as much advance notice we can give.
No transportation: As a last resort, when no bus drivers are available, it’s possible we may not be able to provide bus transportation for some routes on any given day. We encourage families to have a back-up plan with an alternative way to get your child to school. This is a very unfortunate reality that will likely affect routes on a daily basis. If your child is unable to make it to school, it will be an excused absence. We will notify affected families as soon as we possibly can. We will continue to provide transportation for special education students who have special transportation in their IEP.
This bus driver shortage also affects:
Waivers: While a condition of waivers is that District transportation is not provided, we have made exceptions in the past if a bus is not full. This year, however, our buses will be full and we are unable to accommodate students on waivers. Families will need to provide their own transportation to and from school.
Bus passes: We are unable to allow students to ride a different bus when wanting to, for example, go home with a friend or be dropped off at a grandparent's house.
Bus Stop Lookup Tool: The most up-to-date information is on the SBLSD Transportation page. Please follow this link to find the latest information on bus routes.
Key Dates
Please check our website for updates.
September 2: Back-To-School Night Open House 4:30-6:30PM
September 6: Labor Day—No School
September 7: First Day of School for grades 1-12 (Tuesday)
September 10: First Day of Kindergarten--Welcome Class of 2034! (Friday)
September 13: First late start learning day, report by 10:00 am (Monday)
For other key dates, check your mailbox soon for the 2021-22 school year calendar. -
Back To School Night & Schedules: 8/27/21
Posted by SBLSD on 8/27/2021
Welcome to the 21-22 school year, Falcon Families! While we will be sending a more detailed back-to-school note soon. We wanted you to know that your student's schedule is now in Skyward through Family Access! Log-in and click on schedule. Your student's teacher should be in contact with you soon. They are excited to see you at Back to School Night. See below for more information.