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Emergency Information

Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Quick Reference Guide poster

The Sumner-Bonney Lake School District works in partnership with local law enforcement, public safety and county emergency management to prepare for emergency conditions in our schools. We have installed an aligned, comprehensive best practice emergency plan in our district. Each school has a specific plan for their site. Our emergency response protocols cover a wide range of areas including lockdown, earthquake, lahar, fire, bomb threat, and other all-hazard incidents. Staff and students practice appropriate responses to these protocols, including evacuation and reunification exercises. View Sumner-Bonney Lake School District Emergency Response Protocols here. Regionally, we are working on equipping our facilities with emergency supplies, and other equipment that may be necessary to shelter students and staff for an extended period of time.

Communication tips in an emergency

  • Be patient – we will communicate with you as quickly as possible.
  • Check our website and monitor voicemail, texts and email for emergency updates.
  • Please refrain from calling your school in the event of an emergency incident to keep phone lines clear.
  • Be patient – your child’s safety is our first priority!

How and when we communicate

To give families an idea of what to expect regarding information during and after an emergency situation, the district uses the Family Communication Protocol as a guide for how and when to communicate. Some situations may merit alternative communication activities. Please refer to our website and monitor voicemail, texts and email for emergency updates. During an emergency, the district’s first priority is to protect students and staff. When we share information, our goal is to ensure that it's timely and accurate.

How families can help during an emergency

Please wait for direction from your school and district before coming to your child's school in an emergency event. If reunification is required, families will be notified in a timely manner. Again, please wait for direction from your school or district. Please keep your student(s) emergency card up-to-date with correct phone numbers and the names of adults authorized to pick up your student(s). All adults who are picking up students should remember to always bring photo identification.

Emergency schedule changes

Our top priority is the safety of students. Snow, windstorms, earthquakes and power failures can cause disruptions for schools and families. During these difficult times, the District will do all it can to communicate vital information to parents and students. When emergency conditions result in school schedule changes, the district will use one of the following plans. The information below will help you understand the notifications you receive.

Schools open, limited bus transportation
Schools open, limited transportation means schools will operate with limited bus transportation.  Limited transportation means schools will operate and buses will stop at all regular stops with the exception of one or more of the following on the limited transportation schedule.

Two hours late (any day except Monday)
This means buses will begin their first route two hours late, but at regularly scheduled stops UNLESS the message specifies LIMITED BUS TRANSPORTATION. Breakfast and lunch will be served, no AM or PM Preschool or ECEAP.   Recreation Department before school childcare and full-day childcare will start 2-hours later.  No out-of-district transportation. No transportation to Elhi Hill and Pierce County Skills Center. All before school activities, athletics and extra-curricular events are canceled.

Schools closed
Schools closed means schools will be closed for the day. All after school and evening activities will also be canceled unless otherwise announced. District administrative offices remain open.

Evening activities canceled
If travel conditions become hazardous after school has been dismissed, evening meetings and activities may be canceled. Please monitor district communications for updates.

Inclement Weather

Lahar Response